Antonio Alarcón - Algebraic directed immersions
Matthieu Astorg - Horn maps of semi-parabolic Hénon maps
Bo Berndtsson - Supercurrents and convex geometry
Zbigniew Błocki - L2-estimates for dbar-equation and ODEs
Kostya Drach - Length spectral rigidity of expanding circle maps
Purvi Gupta - A characterization of rational convexity in Stein and projective manifolds
Frank Kutzschebauch - Holomorphic Factorization of vector bundle automorphisms
László Lempert - A variational problem in Kähler geometry
Stefan Nemirovski - Geometric topology of complex domains
Remus Radu - On the dynamics of complex Hénon maps
Min Ru - The Ru-Vojta inequality and its applications
Rasul Sha?fikov - Singular Holomorphic Foliations and Levi-?at Hypersurfaces
Leticia Pardo-Simón - Constructing entire functions with wandering domains
Alexandre Sukhov - On the Kobayashi metric on Riemannian manifolds
Ming Xiao - A new Poincaré type rigidity phenomenon with applications
Dror Varolin - Deformation of Bergman Spaces
Liz Vivas - Local dynamics of reduced saddle-node biholomorphisms
Dmitri Zaitsev - Global regularity in the dbar-Neumann problem and ?finite type conditions