The goal is to bring together leading researchers worldwide in complex analysis, geometry, and dynamics, with the aim of enhanced future collaboration. These fields are strongly interrelated, and in order to be able to solve deep challenging problems it is becoming necessary to pursue synergies among them to a bigger degree than in the past.
Holomorphic approximation theory
L2 techniques, plurisubharmonic functions, complex pluripotential theory
Complex dynamics in higher dimensions
Flexibility versus rigidity in complex geometry
Cauchy-Riemann geometry
Monge-Ampėre equations and Kähler manifolds
There have been major recent advances in all these topics which the speakers will report on. It is becoming increasingly evident that a deeper level of cooperation will be needed for further progress.
Scientific Committee: Peter Ebenfelt, Franc Forstnerič, Nikolay Shcherbina.
Organizing Committee: Luka Boc Thaler, Barbara Drinovec Drnovšek, Andrej Svetina.
Supported by:
- Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
- Institute of Mathematics, Physics, and Mechanics, Ljubljana,
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of mathematics and physics,
- the European Union, ERC Advanced grant HPDR, 101053085 to Franc Forstnerič.