Jul 5 – 11, 2020
Europe/Ljubljana timezone
05 - 11 July 2020, Portorož, Slovenia



The bid is submitted by the University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies.

We strongly believe in cooperation and we appreciate and cherish the work of other mathematical institutions so we have involved representatives from institutions and societies in Slovenia and abroad. They have a proven track record; rich experiences, and great successes in the field and will bring an added value to the team and in-depth understanding of organisational and scientific aspects of the ECM.

A special focus has been given on attracting professional societies, to join the organising committee. Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia (Društvo matematikov, fizikov in astronomov Slovenije, hereinafter DMFA) DMFA focuses on the popularisation of mathematics, which is why they will be responsible for cooperation with other societies and for promotion of mathematics among the general public.

Technical support will be offered by a special technical advisor to the organizing committee, Abelium d.o.o.

Organisations involved in the organising committee:

University of Primorska, Slovenia

  • Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT)
  • Andrej Marušic Institute (UP IAM)


University of Ljubljana, Slovenia 

  • Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (UL FMF)
  • Faculty of Education, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (UL PeF)


University of Maribor, Slovenia

  • Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (UM FNM)


Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Slovenia (IMFM)

The Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers, Slovenia (DMFA)

Abelium d.o.o., Slovenia 


Chair of the organising committee: PROF. DR. TOMAŽ PISANSKI

Currently, Pisanski is a professor of discrete and computational mathematics at the University of Ljubljana. Since 2004 he has held a joint position at University of Primorska in Koper. He has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in mathematics and computer science at the University of Zagreb, University of Udine, University of Leoben, California State University, Chico, Simon Fraser University, University of Auckland and Colgate University. His students include Vladimir Batagelj, Bojan Mohar, Sandi Klavžar, Sandra Sattolo (MSc in Udine). 

From 1998-1999 he was chairman of the Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia. In 2005 he was decorated with the Order of Merit (Slovenia) and in 2015 he received a Zois award for exceptional contributions to discrete mathematics and its applications, which is the highest scientific award in Slovenia. 

Tomaž Pisanski is a founding member of the International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry. Between 2007-2011 he was Academy’s Vice President. He is a founding editor of the journal Ars Mathematica Contemporanea. In 2012 he was elected to the Academia Europaea.
Contact: tomaz.pisanski@fmf.uni-lj.si


Klavdija Kutnar (deputy chair of the organising committee), University of Primorska (klavdija.kutnar@upr.si)
Daniel Eremita, University of Maribor (daniel.eremita@um.si)
Boštjan Kuzman, University of Ljubljana, IMFM (bostjan.kuzman@pef.uni-lj.si)
Gregor Dolinar, University of Ljubljana, IMFM, DMFA (gregor.dolinar@fe.uni-lj.si)
Andrej Bauer, University of Ljubljana, IMFM (andrej.bauer@fmf.uni-lj.si)
Primož Potočnik, Univeristy of Ljubljana, University of Primorska, IMFM (primoz.potocnik@fmf.uni-lj.si)
Jasna Prezelj, University of Primorska (jasna.prezelj@famnit.upr.si)
Alen Orbanić, Abelium d.o.o. (alen.orbanic@abelium.eu)
Aleš Oven, University of Primorska (ales.oven@famnit.upr.si)


Dean Crnković, University of Rijeka (dean@math.uniri.hr)
Dragan Stevanović, Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, University of Primorska (dragance106@yahoo.com)
Michael Drmota, TU Wien (Michael.drmota@tuwien.ac.at)
Pablo Spiga, University of Milano-Bicocca (pablo.spiga@unimib.it)
Tamás Szőnyi, Eötvös Loránd University (szonyi@cs.elte.hu)
Norbert Seifter, University of Leoben (Norbert.seifter@ainet.at),


Wacław Marzantowicz, Adam Mickiewicz University (marzan@amu.edu.pl)


The organising committee commits to:

  • provide financial support for the meetings prior to the Congress for the plenary and invited speakers, and for subsistence and travel expenses of the prize winners.
  • waive registration fees for plenary and invited speakers, as well as prize winners.
  • publish Congress Proceedings by the DMFA Publishing House in cooperation with the EMS Publishing House. The OC will appoint editors of the Proceedings, who will cooperate with the EMS Executive Committee. This includes cooperation regarding the decisions related to format and distribution of the Proceedings.
  • publish scientific congress magazine. Copies of this publication together with EMS publicity will be included in the conference packs.
  • offer a free booth in the exhibition area to the EMS and guarantee that all EMS member societies will benefit of a reduced rate.
  • invite mathematicians and national mathematical societies to organize mathematical conferences and workshops as satellite activities of the congress and to accept or reject candidates. Meetings that charge a registration fee will only be accepted as satellite activities if the organizers will agree to grant at least 20% discount on registration fees for those participants who also attend the 8ECM.
  • state in any congress publicity that the 8ECM is the quadrennial congress of the EMS and to place the EMS logo prominently.


While the organising committee oversees organisation of the whole event, subcommittees will focus on specific issues. They will be defined in the beginning of the preparation process, however, their topics will include:

  • Satellite events
  • Congress programme coordination
  • Financial support and sponsorship
  • Publications editing


In addition to the local organizing committee, a scientific committee and a prize committee will perform the main organisational activities of the congress.

The scientific committee will be appointed by EMS and will be responsible for the scientific content of the congress.

The prize committee will also be appointed by EMS. The prize committee will review nominations for awards and decide on awardees. Everyone will be able to nominate a person for the award, including members of the Prize Committee and candidates themselves. Nominations will have to include all relevant information.

Specific arrangements will be developed by the EMS and the appointed prize committee.

The local organizers guarantee that they will also provide committee members with the possibility to meet in person. The meetings will be organized at the premises of the University of Primorska in Koper, Slovenia. Local organizers will organize and pay accommodation for 2 nights and provide local transportation. If the budget will allow it, local organizers will also cover the transportation costs for the prize committee. 


The faculty is experienced in organizing large events with sound technical background. Due to the size of the event, multiple locations and the wish to deliver proper support before, during and after the congress, we also involved Abelium d.o.o., a Slovenian research and technical company to take part in the organisation of the congress. They will act as a special technical advisor to the organizing committee, which includes website development and maintenance with proper technical support for registrations, reservations, payments, etc.

All the venues are soundly technically equipped. This includes powerful broadband Wi-Fi connections in all the venues. University buildings are supported by EDUROAM network, while the Bernardin resort upgraded their Wi-Fi system to the capacity of a few thousand devices (so each participant can use three devices simultaneously). Abelium, the university and hotel staff will be available for full technical support before and during the event.