Jun 16 – 19, 2015
UP FAMNIT, Koper, Slovenia
UTC timezone

Call for Abstracts

AGTAC 2015 is looking for submissions of original results in algorithmic graph theory related to the themes of the workshop. These include (but are not limited to) combinatorial and algorithmic aspects of:

- graph decompositions,
- graph width parameters,
- structure of graphs in hereditary, monotone and minor-closed graph classes,
- computational complexity of graph problems,
- approximation and exact algorithms for graph problems,
- graph classes related to perfect graphs,
- graph invariants,
- planar graphs and generalizations,
- symmetric graphs,
- product graphs,
- metric graph theory,
- applications of algorithmic graph theory.

The abstracts must be up to one page long, written in English and submitted in pdf format via Easychair by April 15, 2015.

A special issue of the journal Discrete Applied Mathematics dedicated to the themes of the workshop is planned.
Follow this link for more information.