14–15 Oct 2014
Koper, Slovenia
UTC timezone

Venue / Travel information

Venue / Travel information
Smart Cities Conference will be held at:

Glagoljaška 8
6000 Koper

You can get to Koper by several means of transportation.

Shuttle service: The easiest way is to take a shuttle service. You can get a direct transport from any airport in vicinity (Italy, Austria, Croatia) to Koper with GoOpti transport. You can make the reservation for transfer to your hotel for a special price.

Bus or train: If you don't decide for the shuttle service, you can travel by bus or train. If you fly to Slovenia, Jože Pučnik airport, you can get a bus to Ljubljana and there take a train or bus to Koper. From there the easiest way to get to Koper is to take a taxi or you can also get there by bus. 

<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/kZBfcMp9MWE" width="420"></iframe>

Three-headed, 2864 m, the highest mountain in Slovenia


River Soča

Mountain Pastures in Slovenia
