June 27, 2015 to July 3, 2015
Rogla, Slovenia
UTC timezone

Properties of some Cayley objests

Not scheduled
Rogla, Slovenia

Rogla, Slovenia


Dr Young Soo Kwon (Yeungnam University)


In this talk, we aim to consider maps and hypermaps whose automorphism group contains a subgroup which acts regularly on vertex set. These maps and hypermaps are called (unoriented) Cayley maps and Cayley hypermaps. We consider some descriptions and properties of these maps and hypermaps. Furthermore, some conditions for these maps and hypermaps to be regular will be dealt with.

Primary author

Dr Young Soo Kwon (Yeungnam University)


Prof. Jaeun Lee (Yeungnam University) Prof. Jin Ho Kwak (Beijing Jiaotong University)

Presentation materials

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