Sep 27 – 28, 2019
Bledrose Hotel, Bled, Slovenia
UTC timezone

The meeting of young mathematicians

The meeting of young mathematicians

In the framework of the annual meeting of the Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia (DMFA) in Bled, September 27-28 2019, we will organise a workshop of young researchers in mathematics from all 3 Slovene Universities. Here, PhD Students and PostDocs will shortly present the topics of their research and get to know each other. 

The event is co-located with a meeting "Women of mathematics on the Mediterranean shores" where we invited 8 female speakers from 8 countries, which the young researchers are welcome to attend. 

When is it again?

It is on September 27-28 2019. 

Where is this happening?

The meeting will take place in Hotel Rose in Bled. 

Do I have to contribute a talk?

We encourage young researchers to contribute a 10min presentation of their projects, but everyone is still welcome to come to the meeting even without contributing a talk themselves. 


DMFA is offering free stay in the 9 double rooms in Plemelj's House for those without funding. We will give priority to PhD students, but others are welcome to apply as well. The deadline to apply for the accomodation is August 31st 2019 (if you missed the deadline and would like to know if there is any space left, write to us).

You are of course welcome to stay at the Bled Rose Hotel, see the link for the accomodation above. 

Is there some registration fee?

For PhD students the registration fee (70€) includes the stay at Plemelj's house and it also covers conference dinner in honour of 70 years of DMFA.

FMF has promised the registration fee for all its employees (that option is enabled at registration). 

IMFM has promised the registration fee for its students via the travel order.

You are welcome to ask your university to contribute the cost. 

How can I register?

First register for the meeting in the registration form above. If you are FMF employee, list FMF as your institution so the cost is covered for you. If you are IMFM employee, list IMFM as your institution and open the travel order at the institute (DO NOT pay the registration fee yourself, as IMFM will cover it directly). 

Once you have successfully registered for the meeting, fill out this form to let us know if you are planning on contributing a talk, if you would like to apply for accomodation at Plemelj's house etc.

You will be notified by email about all the necessary details. 

Is there an organised transportation?

It is fairly easy to get to Bled using public transportation. We may be able to organise a bus from Ljubljana, potential details will follow. 

Still have questions?

Write to us and we will try to answer further questions.