17 February 2016
University of Ljubljana, FMF
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

Ronny Lorenz (TBI) Constraints in RNA secondary structure predixction

17 Feb 2016, 15:40
2.05 (University of Ljubljana, FMF)


University of Ljubljana, FMF

Jadranska 21 Ljubljana


Background: A large class of RNA secondary structure prediction programs uses an elaborate energy model grounded in extensive thermodynamic measurements and exact dynamic programming algorithms. External experimental evidence can be in principle be incorporated by means of hard constraints that restrict the search space or by mean of soft constraints that distort the energy model. In particular recent advances in coupling chemical and enzymatic probing with sequencing techniques but also comparative approaches provide an increasing amount experimental data to be combined with secondary structure prediction. Results: Responding to the increasing needs for a versatile and user-friendly inclusion of external evidence into diverse flavours RNA secondary structure prediction tools we implemented a generic layer of constraint handling into the ViennaRNA package. It makes explicit use of the conceptual separation of the "folding grammar" defining the search space and the actual energy evalution, which allows constraints to be interleaved in a natural way between recursion steps and evaluation of the standard energy function. Conclusions: The extension of the ViennaRNA package provides a generic way to include diverse types of constraints into RNA folding algorithms. The computational overhead incurred is negligible in practice. A wide variety of application scenarios can be accomodated by the new framework, including the incorporation of structure probing data, non-standard base pairs and chemical modifications, as well as structure-dependent ligand binding.

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