2-Arc-Transitive Metacyclic Covers of Complete Graphs

Not scheduled


Dr Wenqin Xu (Capital Normal University)


Regular covers of complete graphs whose fibre-preserving automorphism groups act 2-arc-transitively are investigated. Such covers have been classified when the covering transformation groups $K$ are cyclic groups $\ZZ_d$ for an integer $d\geq 2$, metacyclic abelian groups $\ZZ_p^2$, or nonmetacyclic abelian groups $\ZZ_p^3$ for a prime $p$ (see S.F. Du, D. Maru\v si\v c and A.O. Waller, On 2-arc-transitive covers of complete graphs, {J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B}, {74}(1998), 276--290 for the first two metacyclic group cases and see S.F. Du, J.H. Kwak and M.Y. Xu, On 2-arc-transitive covers of complete graphs with covering transformation group $\ZZ_p^3$, { J. Combin. Theory, B} { 93} (2005), 73--93 for the third nonmetacyclic group case.) In this talk, we shall introduce a complete classification of all such covers when $K$ is a metacyclic group. Joint work with S.F. Du, J.H. Kwak and M.Y. Xu.

Primary author

Dr Wenqin Xu (Capital Normal University)

Presentation materials