Simona Bonvicini
(University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
A proper edge-coloring of a graph $G$ is an assignment of colors to
the edges of $G$ such that adjacent edges receive distinct colors. A
proper edge-coloring defines at each vertex the set of colors of its
incident edges. Following the terminology introduced by
Hor\v{n}\'ak, Kalinowski, Meszka and Wo\'zniak, we call such a set
of colors the palette of the vertex. The minimum number of distinct
palettes taken over all proper edge-colorings of $G$ is called the
palette index of $G$ and is denoted by $\check s(G)$ (see
\cite{HoKaMe}). In \cite{HoKaMe} the authors determine the palette
index of cubic graphs and complete graphs; they also note that the
palette index of a $d$-regular graph is $1$ if and only if the graph
is class $1$; moreover, $\check s(G)\neq 2$ for every class $2$
$d$-regular graph $G$. By Vizing's Theorem and the results in
\cite{HoKaMe}, one can see that the palette index of a class $2$
$d$-regular graph satisfies the inequalities $3\leq\check s(G)\leq
We wonder whether the upper bound for the palette index of a class
$2$ $d$-regular graph is really achieved, that is, we wonder whether
for any fixed $d\geq 2$ there exists a class $2$ $d$-regular graph
with palette index $d+1$. For $d=2$ and $d=3$ there exist
$d$-regular graphs with palette index $d+1$: for $d=2$, we can take
a $2$-regular graph with at least one circuit of odd length; for
$d=3$, we can take a cubic graph with no perfect matching (see
\cite{HoKaMe}). We consider the case $d=4$: we can construct
$4$-regular graphs with palette index $5$.
We also study in more detail the palette index of $4$-regular
graphs. In particular, we show that a $4$-regular graph with no
perfect matching and palette index $3$ has an even cycle
decomposition of size $3$. An even cycle decomposition of a graph
$G$ is a partition $\mathcal E$ of the edge-set of $G$ into
$2$-regular subgraphs (cycles) whose connected components are
circuits of even length. If $\mathcal E$ consists of $m$ cycles,
then we say that $G$ has an even cycle decomposition of size $m$. We
can extend the result to $4r$-regular graphs: we can prove that a
$4r$-regular graph with no perfect matching and palette index $3$
has an even cycle decomposition of size $3r$.
\bibitem{HoKaMe} M. Hor$\check{\mbox{n}}$\'ak, R. Kalinowski, M.
Meszka, M. M. Wo\'zniak, Minimum number of palettes in edge
colorings, Graphs Combin., DOI 10.007/s00373-013-1298-8.
Primary author
Simona Bonvicini
(University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
Giuseppe Mazzuoccolo
(University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)