17 February 2016
University of Ljubljana, FMF
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

Tomaž Pisanski (UL FMF) - Crossings in polyhedral self-assembly

17 Feb 2016, 17:40
2.05 (University of Ljubljana, FMF)


University of Ljubljana, FMF

Jadranska 21 Ljubljana


In this talk we will present a model for single strand or multiple strand polyhredral self-assembly. In particular we will consider the problem of crossings and self-crossings of strands at polyhedral vertices. The model uses the methods of topological graph theory, i.e. embeddings of graphs in surfaces. This is work in progress in BioOrigami project in connection with the Roman Jerala group from National Institute of Chemistry. It is also related to the bilateral US-SVN project with Egon Schulte.

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