Semisymmetric graphs from algebraic LR Structures: Large vertex stabilizers

Not scheduled
SYGN Invited Talk


Prof. Steve Wilson (Northern Arizona University)


LR structures are cycle decompositions of tetravalent graphs having two orbits of edges and satisfying some transitivity and flexibility conditions. We construct tetravalent semisymmetric graphs of girth 4 from them, using the partial line graph. This talk will show some general constructions of LR structures from groups of several kinds. We then show LR structures related to dihedral groups which have arbitrarily large vertex stabilizers. The large-stabilizers phenomenon is now better understood in the dart-transitive case due to work by Potocnik, Verret and Spiga. It is less-well understood in the semisymmetric case, and these examples will help us to increase that understanding. (This is joint work with Primoz Potocnik.)

Primary author

Prof. Steve Wilson (Northern Arizona University)

Presentation materials